16 февраля 2017 09:00
- My name is Zubashev Stepan
- I'm a frontend (+nodejs) developer
- I'm living in Kazakhstan, Almaty
Working Experience
- Frontend
- Reactive frameworks: React, Redux, Vue, KnockoutJS
- Build systems: Webpack, Babel, Grunt, Gulp
- CSS-preprocessors: SCSS, Stylus, Less
- JS-Libraries: LoDash, jQuery (+UI)
- Template engines: Jade (pug), XSLT
- Backend
- NodeJS
- lots of parsers and converters
- several own small web frameworks
- PHP5 (~15+ websites)
- DB: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Linux (Debian-like) administration (nginx, php5-fpm/apache2, sphinxsearch)
- NodeJS
- Mobile
- Cordova\PhoneGap
- Custom
- Git, SVN
- Docker, Redmine, Jenkins
- Test systems: PhantomJS (casperJS, slimerJS), mocha, Selenium, enzyme
- Linux\OSX user
- English ― middle-intermediate
- Russian ― native
- Remote work: ~ 6 years
- Building SPA (Single Page Applications): ~ 5 years
- Contacts:
Оставить комментарий
window._Comment_content_article_158 = new classes.Comment( '#comment_block_content_article_158',
type: 'content_article',
node_id: '158',
user: 1,
user_id: 0,
admin: 0,
view_time: null,
msg: {
empty: 'Комментарий пуст',
ask_link: 'Ссылка:',
ask_img: 'Ссылка на изображение:' }